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Tutorial, News, Case sensitive


I am trying to learn CodeIgniter, so I started with the tutorial.

I already managed to complete the static pages and news displaying part.

However, the News section is case sensitive and that bothers me.

When I go localhost/ci/news - it works
however, if I write localhost/ci/News - it shows 404
if I link to a concrete news post with lowercase letters without the view part- news/firstpost - it works
if I link to a concrete news post with different sized letters without the view part- nEws/firstpost - it shows 404

and finally
if I link to a conrete news post -news/view/firstpost - it works
if I link to a concrete news post with different sized letters - nEws/view/firstpost - it also works

As for Pages - they are not case sensitive (meaning About, about or even AbouT works)

Everything I did so far is copy paste code from tutorial.

I am lost and don't know how to make News case insensitive.

Messages In This Thread
Tutorial, News, Case sensitive - by woid - 09-05-2015, 06:41 AM
RE: Tutorial, News, Case sensitive - by PaulD - 09-08-2015, 02:55 AM
RE: Tutorial, News, Case sensitive - by kenjis - 09-08-2015, 10:20 PM
RE: Tutorial, News, Case sensitive - by mwhitney - 09-09-2015, 06:45 AM

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