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Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

(12-27-2015, 06:11 PM)mike7418 Wrote: My problem is that I am using the DB to store session data so every time I run another query on any function that loads a page I get this error because of the session SQL write
Quote:Error Number: 2014
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
UPDATE `ci_sessions` SET `timestamp` = 1451263590, `data` = 'G2RpWxLrkrOG5wdf7pA8y7fCb9QIZDvqDGE9VpSw_n2zc-r28M-XZfYf7WgNWy0uDu7GHk0v-7wdUrAXseIMEVl2pP8Y8cb_JfKcpFJw1JCo66-Bo0n9M_3U8iYCdtAyFCNoMoR7F0FZD0k5dygq9oNmGkvAJhqBsbcTaWQ3oB0Vip0-VH2KydMPv8x1y3mJXBzzPUYwDv8IuBSnzAvycsTNK00FXh3WIEvErZ3rBx7-7K6JgRYgg77yeU6e5wKF' WHERE `id` = '83c9e11d794f0144fba9a728ef9ae7bf857aa60e'

So far the only fix is to add session_write_close(); to the top of the page. Problem with that is I am storing data in the sessions "Well trying to." But because I have this write_close  it destroys the session and I have nothing.

Anyone else run into this and have a fix??

Thanks in advance
 Ok, I read the session doc and see the explanation. I guess I'll have to turn into the session super guru to find my resolution...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now - by mike7418 - 12-29-2015, 06:11 AM

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