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Creating multiple instances of a model

(This post was last modified: 04-28-2016, 07:54 AM by CINewb.)

Hi there

I am wondering, how do you create multiple instances of a model?

For example:

PHP Code:
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
    $customers[] = $this;

With the above example, what I end up with is every customer having the same name because each element of the $customers array is referencing the same instance.

The way I've figured out to do it is:

PHP Code:
foreach (
$query->result_array() as $row) {
    $c = new Customer_model();
    $customers[] = $c;

Is the second example acceptable, or does it break CodeIgniter best practice?

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Creating multiple instances of a model - by CINewb - 04-28-2016, 06:52 AM

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