(08-20-2016, 01:27 AM)ivantcholakov Wrote: I use data within session in such a case.
In an online store ordering is separated in several pages - basket/cart content, client data (names, address, email), payment method, final preview and sending the order, and a flash confirmation page saying that order has been sent. Pages usually have "Back" button (a link to the previous page) and "Continue" button (a submit type button of the current form).
This page sequence is served by a special model "Order_draft" that stores in the session only, it has nothing to do with the database. There is another model "Orders" that manages the orders within the database. When the client clicks on the button "Send Order", the collected data from Order_draft is used by "Orders" for creation of a new order within database. After that, data within Order_draft gets cleared, and based on the newly created order, confirmation/notification email messages are sent.
I would propose to you something similar. Make a tandem of models "Something_draft" (session data) and "Something" (data within database). Let "Something_draft" collect the data from the forms, let "Something" create and manage the submitted data, clear "Something_draft" data on every final submission.
if you don't mind, could you show me an example of what your draft model looks like? just wondering if you are referencing the input->post in your model or doing that in the controller. I like your idea a lot, just trying to figure it out.