I just finished an ajax login with CSRF and it was quite nice, but the next site will go back to a normal separate login page, I think the effort it took was not really worth it. I don't think it improved the user experience significantly.
So I am guessing that your 500 internal error is probably that you have a problem with your code rather than an inherent AJAX or CI problem. Since it is a server side error, it is probably in your controller or a model call. If you are using all the same model calls, probably in your controller. Can you not narrow it down a bit. (First of all, just ajax back a hello world type message. That should work. Then just keep moving that line down the ajax controller code until you get to where the problem occurs.
Hope that helps,
Edit: No, there is nothing special about ajax controllers except that it can be harder to debug and you should echo the responses, not use the normal load->view rendering.