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Help revive codeigniter 2.x project

$config['base_url'] in application\config\config.php solved that problem, was blank, seems to be many many many overlooked things in this project.

Feels like I'm quite cheated  on 20k+ since that was for a functional page that would take about a year, and then 4 years later when nothing more happened than what I have today I withdraw my project.

I didn't quite understand:
_remap points to the private login() function. So you must have a form that triggers the _remap function with login passed as argument. Look for a url: _remap/login/

I see that there is a code that searches for 'admin' information in the DB, but I cant figure out in which table it searches.

There is an table "members" where members get registred, but the 'admin' is registred in an table called "account" that have the "rights 100"

I have created a new member with the password "abcdef".
In phpMyadmin I opened the newly ceated member in edit mode, copied the encrypted password and pasted it in the 'admin' table,, so it should have $username 'admin' and $password 'abcdef', but no luck, just get cleared loginform fields and stays on the landing page.

The site starts with a landing page where there is login fields, register new member and try as demo.
When I regiter a new member I can login to my member-home page, when I use the name admin and pass abcdef it just stay on the landing page.

Messages In This Thread
Help revive codeigniter 2.x project - by Ricke - 02-25-2018, 06:45 AM
RE: Help revive codeigniter 2.x project - by Ricke - 02-26-2018, 02:06 PM

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