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CodeIgniter and Security

I am a newbie to coding. I've been in it for just over a month. PHP was my beginning and now I am looking to learn a framework and CodeIgniter was suggested by one of my friends who is a developer. Coming from finance this is a tough period of transition for me and I want to make this right. So last day I was talking to another friend who works in IT, I think his company does IT security services.So I asked for his advice on my career change and he said only one thing "Only learn things that are secure because cybersecurity is the next big problem for IT."
This has actually got me thinking. I know there are a lot of experts here. What can all of you tell about the security of CodeIgniter? Is it really secure enough? I am eagerly waiting for your opinions.

Messages In This Thread
CodeIgniter and Security - by dennisphartz - 04-05-2018, 02:01 AM
RE: CodeIgniter and Security - by dmyers - 04-05-2018, 05:15 AM

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