(08-09-2018, 02:09 AM)John_Betong Wrote: Where what was the print_r(...); statement inserted?
It looks as though the connection to the database failed.
Oh sure...
Modules\Parts\Models\PartsModel Object
[table:protected] => par
[primaryKey:protected] => pid
[useTimestamps:protected] => 1
[validationRules:protected] => Array
[validationMessages:protected] => Array
[number] => Array
[is_natural] => Ups i did it again.
[0] =>
[pager] =>
[DBGroup:protected] =>
[returnType:protected] => array
[useSoftDeletes:protected] =>
[allowedFields:protected] => Array
[dateFormat:protected] => datetime
[createdField:protected] => created_at
[updatedField:protected] => updated_at
[tempUseSoftDeletes:protected] =>
[deletedField:protected] => deleted
[tempReturnType:protected] => array
[protectFields:protected] => 1
[db:protected] => CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection Object
[DBDriver] => MySQLi
[deleteHack] => 1
[escapeChar] => `
[mysqli] =>
[DSN:protected] =>
[port:protected] => 3306
[hostname:protected] => localhost
[username:protected] => root
[password:protected] =>
[database:protected] => host_ls
[subdriver:protected] =>
[DBPrefix:protected] => ls_
[pConnect:protected] =>
[DBDebug:protected] => 1
[cacheOn:protected] =>
[cacheDir:protected] =>
[charset:protected] => utf8
[DBCollat:protected] => utf8_general_ci
[swapPre:protected] =>
[encrypt:protected] =>
[compress:protected] =>
[strictOn:protected] =>
[failover:protected] => Array
[lastQuery:protected] =>
[connID] =>
[resultID] =>
[protectIdentifiers] => 1
[reservedIdentifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[likeEscapeStr] => ESCAPE '%s'
[likeEscapeChar] => !
[dataCache] => Array
[connectTime:protected] =>
[connectDuration:protected] =>
[pretend:protected] =>
[transEnabled] => 1
[transStrict] => 1
[transDepth:protected] => 0
[transStatus:protected] => 1
[transFailure:protected] =>
[aliasedTables:protected] => Array