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Migration from Wordpress to CodeIgniter

Hello guys,

As per your question, I like to give direction to your requirements.

1. Is CodeIgniter a really strong platform regarding security? => YES 100%

2. Do I have to update any themes, or plugins or whatever every now and then like I do in Wordpress ? => because of it was not cms this a framework so it cant update automatically you have to update it manually.

3. Is there a plugin or any way to migrate the existing websites to CodeIgniter without paying a fortune or getting a master degree in computing? => NOT FOR NOW

4. Can this migration be done in an SEO friendly way without losing my current google rankings? => it depends on your development of a website.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Migration from Wordpress to CodeIgniter - by Gurutechnolabs - 08-28-2018, 02:35 AM

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