Model should only validate data when needed. Meaning, create, edit, delete, restore. Controller should validate, in a basic way, data the *view form* needs. Seems like a small difference, but it's major when you get into the actual application of it.
For example, allow the controller to use the built in form_validation() routine for catching user input issues before you involve a model. If those simple validation rules are met, then you have your model validate the form data against actual/strict expected values.
If you're building a 'Create Support Ticket' form, controller would validate that the title/subject isn't empty and is of some length, that they provided a description, and that they selected a priority. The model would validate that the selected priority is one of those listed in Support_ticket:

RIORITY_URGENT, Support_ticket:

RIORITY_NORMAL, Support_ticket:

RIORITY_LOW. Creating these model constants allows you to use them system wide and not have the actual text values scattered throughout your code base.
I'm aware the built-in validator allows for "in_list[]", but - that's not reusable, and hardly maintainable. It's best to validate those values in a subroutine within your Support_ticket::create() method.
Another use of the constants would be creating a model method like...
PHP Code:
Class Support_ticket extends MY_Model {
const PRIORITY_HIGH = 'high';
const PRIORITY_NORMAL = 'normal';
const PRIORITY_LOW = 'low';
public function __construct($id=NULL) {
public function create($data_set=[]) {
if(TRUE === $this->is_loaded) {
return 'Model is already loaded';
if(TRUE !== ($validation_result = $this->validateDataSet($data_set))) {
return $validation_result;
// Create the record
return TRUE;
public function isHighPriority() {
return TRUE === $this->is_loaded && static::PRIORITY_HIGH === $this->properties['priority'];
public function validateDataSet($data_set=[]) {
if(!is_array($data_set) || empty($data_set)) {
return 'Invalid $data_set';
if(array_key_exists('priority', $data_set)) {
if(!in_array($data_set['priority'], [static::PRIORITY_HIGH, static::PRIORITY_NORMAL, static::PRIORITY_LOW])) {
return 'Invalid priority selection';
return TRUE;