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CI4 lacks seems to lack a couple of super convenient CI3 features.

I'll come right out and say that I have not read the entire manual, but here is what I love in CI3 and don't find it in CI4:

1) Adding something to config so I can use it anywhere. I'm talking about $this->config->set_item() and then later being about to use config_item() to get the value. This was super handy, as one could pass values to almost anywhere.

2) Adding vars to views with $this->load->vars(). Similar to config->set_item(), being able to set vars that were available in any view was really handy in CI3.

Please let me know your CI4 secrets.

Messages In This Thread
CI4 lacks seems to lack a couple of super convenient CI3 features. - by skunkbad - 09-27-2018, 10:58 PM

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