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Create Custom Business Logic Classes [No Libraries]

(09-19-2019, 12:54 PM)kilishan Wrote: In CI3 parlance, a "library" is just a class that is not a controller or model, really. It was a way to provide for autoloading of classes before autoloading of classes was a big thing in PHP.

Personal opinion: use Composer to handle loading of the classes if you can. If you can't/won't use Composer, then either treat them as a library, or build your own autoloading solution into your app. Without any of those solutions, you're stuck manually requiring the class file before creating a new instance of it. Which works, I suppose, but yuck. Smile

Thanks Kilishan,
Will try composer.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Create Custom Business Logic Classes [No Libraries] - by sharadrsoni - 09-19-2019, 12:58 PM

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