Hello friends,
I am having problems with slug in codeigniter4,
I have a table called city which stores slug in slug columns
Controller code
public function details($slug)
$data['entry'] = $this->EntryModel->getEntry($slug);
$data['page_heading'] = $this->EntryModel->getEntry($slug)->title;
// print_r($data['entry']);
// die;
echo view('BasicApp\FrontPanel\Views\Content', $data);
Slug is stored in database as
india for india entry
india/delhi for delhi entry
india/delhi/abc for abc entry
The problem is when i access site using domain.com/india its working,if i access website as domain.com/india/delhi it still shows india only,
My Route is
$routes->get('/(:any)', 'FrontPanel::details/$1/', ['namespace' => 'BasicApp\FrontPanel\Controllers']);
Please help me where is the main issue ?