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Property type hints in Codeigniter 4 (or just PHP 7.4 as a requirement)

(01-22-2020, 06:26 AM)includebeer Wrote: PHP 7.2 is not the past, it is still supported until the end of the year: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php
And yes 7.4 is the bleeding edge, it was only release 2 months ago.
At the moment, the dev team need to concentrate on releasing CI 4.0, not refactor the whole thing!

There is still the point of it can be achieved, and quickly. I've already modified about 75% or so of the current CodeIgniter4 repository to use certain features where they are in fact strengths. Don't get me wrong, I agree on trying to get the framework out there, but sticking with what are soon-to-be old technologies and only using them seems a bit moot.

Which brings me to this. Yes, PHP 7.2 is ending life in about a year, that's not the point. The point is that this year will go by very quickly. In that year. We can make preparations to advance the underlying architecture. I'm not implying that we build Rome in a day but that we attempt to mature the core of CodeIgniter appropriately. PHP 7.2 will reach EOL faster than you shake a stick at time. So eliminating the worry and confusion by adopting the languages strongest features since 7.1 (in my opinion) would be fantastic and a great step forward.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Property type hints in Codeigniter 4 (or just PHP 7.4 as a requirement) - by JNapolitanoIT - 01-22-2020, 07:54 AM

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