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Best Practices: Sharing a project

Tatter\Settings is a port from my CI3 library and way predates this conversation, but I’m glad you found it. Smile I use that mostly for user-configurable stuff, or things that I want to be dynamically changed from time to time. This conversation was more about having a deplorable configuration that wouldn’t disrupt project updates. Sounds like your scenario does overlap - though in your case I’d put most of those things in .env and that would solve it.
At this point I’m pretty decided on shipping with the preconfigured local namespace and instructions on how to add to it. Once I write the class overrides to give it preference I will share them here.

Messages In This Thread
Best Practices: Sharing a project - by MGatner - 01-31-2020, 07:59 AM
RE: Best Practices: Sharing a project - by MGatner - 02-04-2020, 04:09 AM

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