Hello Fido L Dido !
I have an application in which I needed to manage measurement conversions (inches to centimeters, meters to feet, inches to feet...). So I created an independent library, because I can use it in other apps. And it does not use a database.
1 / The class is located here: "app/Libraries/Snippets/conversion.php". It uses the namespace: "namespace Snippets;" (at the beginning of the file, just after "<?php "), which is the folder's name.
2 / In the file "app/Config/autoload.php" I added the namespace to the $psr4 variable:
PHP Code:
$psr4 = [
'Config' => APPPATH . 'Config',
APP_NAMESPACE => APPPATH, // For custom namespace
'App' => APPPATH, // To ensure filters, etc still found,
'Snippets' => APPPATH . 'Libraries/Snippets' // The namespace I use in step 1 => The folder's location
3 / When I need it, I use it like this:
PHP Code:
$conversion = new \Snippets\Conversion();
$lenghtConversion = $conversion->lengthimperialtometric(10,'in','cm');
// "Conversion()" is the name of the class
// The method "lengthimperialtometric" requires: a value (10), the initial unit (inches), the desired unit (centimeters)
// The result is: $lengthConversion = 25.4;
Hope it helps you find a solution ;-)