(02-12-2020, 08:48 PM)kilishan Wrote: Did you create a new Services method?
Copy the request() method from system/Config/Services.php[/php] into [b]app/Config/Services.php. Modify to load your new class instead of the CI one. Should work out of the box after that.
Hello Kilishan,
Thank you for your pointer. I did try to play with Config/Services.php, but I think I don't know what to change exactly. If I copy de request function from system/Config/Services.php to app/Config/Services.php, I get not output, no error, nothing. The app becomes dead.
This is what I have:
PHP Code:
<?php namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\Services as CoreServices;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
require_once SYSTEMPATH . 'Config/Services.php';
class Services extends CoreServices
public static function request(App $config = null, bool $getShared = true)
if ($getShared)
return static::getSharedInstance('request', $config);
if (! is_object($config))
$config = config(App::class);
return new IncomingRequest(
new UserAgent()
I tried returning App\Libraries\IncomingRequest instead of just IncomingRequest, but with the same result, not output, not even a message in the logs. This is also not in the userguide
Any help?
Thank you.