(07-27-2024, 09:02 AM)PhilInLoco Wrote: Thank your eelisland!
I was calling service('language')->setLocale('currentLocale) just before calling the views, but that didn't work when the view has a link to another page. Your solution is much more elegant works all the time!
My only concern with your solution is that I am setting the locale at each method call, which is not necessary most of the time...
I just do not understand why there is not a way to set the current locale once for all, and why it gets reset all the time to the default or negotiated one.
I used to work with CakePHP and setting it once was enough.
PhilInLoco Glad you find my post usefull.
The question in my previous post still remain, maybe some CI guru here could helpĀ
"If anyone know a better way, please advises".