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BaseController and controller documentation mismatch

(04-22-2020, 12:36 PM)HardyW Wrote: I understand what you are all saying but what I still do not get is why CodeIgniter cannot figure out the controller from the URL with any kind of [case treatment].

According to RFC1738 only the scheme part of a URL is treated in a case-ignore manner, ie. 'http', 'HTTP'. Everything else (the URI) is case sensitive, so that means a decision needs to be made on exactly how to handle the URI.

You can choose to make the user enter the URI exactly. This means that BlogShow and blogShow controllers could both exist and result in different pages being shown. But users, being who they are, will type Blogshow, receive a 404, get mad, and go somewhere else. Since we don't want to alienate possible customers we can let them be lazy and use any case they want - e.g. BLOGSHOW, bLOGShow, blogshow - and give them the same page.

(04-22-2020, 12:36 PM)HardyW Wrote: (just because (a lot of) people use only lowercase URLs does not mean that everybody should be forced doing so).

A random check of my bookmarks (and I checked many) did not reveal a single site using case sensitive URI segments. I suspect it's because they don't want to PO visitors by making the URL tricky.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BaseController and controller documentation mismatch - by dave friend - 04-23-2020, 09:54 AM

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