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Incomprehensible problem about sessions

Thank you for your answer, given that my environments are in linux containers my software configuration has not been modified.

Is there any error message?
>> No error message, no log error.

What should it do:
>> echo data work

what does it actually do:
>> echo data don't show anything. is empty

The server I took is 10x faster than the previous one, even if it does not seem possible to me, is it possible that the variable is erased before being displayed? I also tried to go through a buffer variable, but I have the same result, ex:
tmpvar = $ this-> session-> ajax_footer_load;
echo tmpvar;

mark_as_temp works and displays my data, but it's still quite strange.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Incomprehensible problem about sessions - by nicolas33770 - 05-02-2020, 07:28 AM

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