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Using composer to install thirdparty library

Your correct in method but i'm saying do this on local project , then just upload manually

i don't have my own vps or server and there is no way (i think ) that they would allow me to run composer on a shared server .
Your right in principal; i guess give it a go if you have access permissions and you are prepared to fix if something doen't go right.

Maybe others would chip in on this who have more experience.

But this is my general approach : Always have a version control of project running locally.Even trying to edit code on a live web via cpanel can lead to a cold sweat when things go wrong in my experience.

I use apache on slackware and separate projects via virtual host and use -> to access each , or via their created domain.

When everything is working , then upload it manually just uploading in zip format via cpanel.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Using composer to install thirdparty library - by captain-sensible - 10-15-2020, 02:06 AM

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