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I dont like composer, am I a bad person?

(11-19-2020, 09:41 AM)captain-sensible Wrote: your right eggbert,

there is risk of breakage but for instance :

bash-5.0$ du -sh  vendor
48M vendor
//thats one of my dev vendor files; admittedly it does have bootstrap IV scss in it.

I should be in Ghana if it were not for corvid 19 ; if 3rd world developers are taken into consideration then a lot rely on "pay as you go data"  from a usb dongle or equivalent. When and if  i go out there i'm not happy to turn a blind eye to vendor and eat 48 megabytes of data in one go to load local dev up to live server. I don't need duplication of everything  because i use rsync or Gsrync to backup everything .

Yes, but one of the benefits of composer is that you do NOT have to upload your vendor directory.  Run 'composer install' on the server, that way you are only moving a round a single composer.json file rather than a 48 MB directory.  Also, you shouldn't be commiting all those deps to your vcs either.  Composer actually is more efficient space wise as well.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I dont like composer, am I a bad person? - by eggbert - 11-19-2020, 10:02 AM

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