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Entity class - loop 20 rows and iterate through columns in view

(This post was last modified: 08-28-2021, 04:01 AM by Corsari.)

(08-27-2021, 11:51 AM)ikesela Wrote: I try it and got answer :

PHP Code:
foreach ($tRows as $tKey):
        echo "<tr>";
      $tnewKey $tKey->jsonSerialize(); 
        foreach ($tnewKey as $key => $value){
            echo "<td>";
            echo $value;
            echo "</td>";

        echo "</tr>";                        

hello, as stated above, I tried it and it works ... though one weird thing happen

PHP Code:
public function listTickets($quantity$offset)

$ticketModel = new TicketModel();

$data $ticketModel->findAll($quantity$offset);
return $data;

PHP Code:
public function list($quantity$offset)

$ticketModel = new TicketModel();

$ticketData $ticketModel->listTickets($quantity$offset);

$data = [];

$data['tRows'] = $ticketData;



depite I browse myapp.local/home/list/25/0

they are printed ALL the 300 rows of records in the database

I mean, the resulting HTML table, doesn't have 25 rows, instead it has 300 rows

Wondering: how is this possible?.
Whilst if I use the original code at the begin of this thread, they only prints the expected 25 rows .. really confused about this behavior

Messages In This Thread
RE: Entity class - loop 20 rows and iterate through columns in view - by Corsari - 08-28-2021, 03:59 AM

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