Currently I have a table displaying all of the agents and a count of their leads status shown in the same row. Now these agents can be Active or Inactive, but both are shown in my table. This active/inactive status is shown in my users table under the status column as either Y or N. Now this is the code I'm using to get my data:
Model Class:
function get_agentsreport(){
$this->db->select("l.lead_status,cu.display_name,cu.status,count(*) as leadnum,l.enquiry_date");
$this->db->from($this->table_name." as l");
$this->db->join("crm_clients_users cu"," l.lead_agent","left"); $this->db->join("crm_clients_users cu2"," l.external_agent","left"); $this->db->group_by("l.lead_status,,");
$query = $this->db->get(); }
View Class:
$ls_arr = array(1=>'Open',8=>'Hot',2=>'Closed',3=>'Transacted',4=>'Dead',9=>'Follow Up',11=>'Working');
foreach($groupedleads as $grplead){
$statuses[] = $status = $ls_arr[$grplead["lead_status"]];
if($grplead["display_name"] == NULL || $grplead["display_name"] == '')
$grplead["display_name"] = "Unknown";
$display_names[] = $display_name = $grplead["display_name"];
$leaddata[$status][$display_name] = $grplead["leadnum"];
if($grplead['status'] == "N"){
$inactive_status == true;
if(count($display_names) > 0)
$display_names = array_unique($display_names);
foreach($display_names as $display_name){
$total = 0;
if ($inactive_status )
echo "<td style='background-color:#000'>".$display_name."</td>";
echo "<td>".$display_name."</td>";
foreach ($statuses as $status) {
<?php } ?>
Now I'm trying to differentiate the active and inactive users by a change in the style and as shown here I've tried if($grplead['status'] == "N"){$inactive_status == true;} but in my table it always goes to the else statement and doesn't compute the first if statement. I've also tried if($grplead['status'] == "Y"){$inactive_status == true;} but it gives the same output.
I've tried logging this status by print_r($grplead['status']); which gave the correct result like YYYYNY. So it is giving the correct status for each person, but for some reason it does not work in my if condition