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Tutorial for creating news item doesn't work

(12-21-2021, 02:16 PM)vostronus Wrote: OK, I have decided to go with Laravel now. Just a suggestion though, this forum is really awkward to use. Maybe damage control is better than preemptive control (for example moderating every post I write). I wish you all the best with the framework but I need something more. I am an experienced asp.net dev who wants to start using linux servers (i.e. more availability). This hasn't been a good changeover so far.
Not every post are moderated. Just the first messages (not sure the exact number, something between 3 and 5). You wouldn't believe the amount of spam this forums gets. Once you're a regular user, you can post without the need for a mod to approve your post. 

But I guess we won't see you again as you seems to have decided Laravel is a better fit for your needs, which is totally fine. But if you gave up that quickly on CodeIgniter just by doing the "news" tutorial, good luck with Laravel!!  Tongue
CodeIgniter 4 tutorials (EN/FR) - https://includebeer.com
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RE: Tutorial for creating news item doesn't work - by includebeer - 12-21-2021, 03:18 PM

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