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logging db actions via model events and id problem

Thank you @MGatner  and @iRedds. After thinking through this I decided that fixing my code is a cheaper option. First, I have found a lot of stupid code like
$watchesModel->where('id', $id)->set($data)->update();
That was easy to fix. Then, in some places the id of the entry was available in the code, just I happened not to use it in the query. I easily fixed those lines.
True, in some places I found I had to do a query first to get the id, but well, that was not so difficult after all.
And in some cases, where a query would update multiple rows at once, I decided logging those was not that critical after all. ) Angel
If anyone were interested, I could paste here the complete solution I am using now.
Thanks guys for help!

Donatas G.

Messages In This Thread
RE: logging db actions via model events and id problem - by dgvirtual - 01-19-2022, 12:20 PM

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