I have a case where I'd like to mimic the JavaScript front-end design but can't see the best to do that in CI4 using the Models and Entities.
The system has an Admin with multiple settings (+50) for various parts of the system. I want to allow an Admin to be member of one or more AdminGroup where these 50+ settings can be stored and managed. In JS I have created a AdminGroupModel containing the settings and then an AdminModel extending AdminGroupModel and adding additional fields such as firstname, lastname and email.
My rationale for this approach is that I only have to manage the settings in one place, for example when adding new features.
So for this to work, in AdminModel I need to merge the protected properties defined in AdminGroupModel with the fields required for the AdminModel. Same for the Entities defined.
I have been thinking like this:
(UPDATE: corrected some mistakes with the scope that I found so far)
PHP Code:
class AdminGroupModel extends BaseModel
protected $commonFields = [
// Defining all common settings here, such as:
'access_users', 'access_companies',
public function __construct(?ConnectionInterface &$db = null, ?ValidationInterface $validation = null)
$fields = get_class_vars(self::class)['commonFields'];
$this->allowedFields += $fields;
parent::__construct($db, $validation);
And then in AdminModel:
PHP Code:
class AdminModel extends AdminGroupModel
protected $allowedFields = [
'firstname', 'lastname', 'email'
Would this be a viable approach? Any hints greatly appreciated.