curious if anyone has managed to get the file / image plugins working in the 'add new' window (when using the ManyToMany or ManyToOne plugins, the extended form that is underneath, with the 'add one' button).
I've given it a shot, but I can't seem to get it to work.
also, something else about those extended forms - so far, I have been able to make them look nice by adding another .yml definition named after the database table. In a way, it's nice being able to define one form style for the main controller, and a separate one for the extended form, but if I wanted to use the same definition for both my controller and the extended form, how would I do that? anyone?
I really prefer to use controllers for my forms, so it's not an option to just use the default .yml for everything.
To the above poster - I know how to make a popup 'record inspector' window, but I don't know how to add another page to the system so far. If the popup method interests you, post again and I'll give you a hand.