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DataException: There is no data to update after using save()

Hi, @kenjis

WOW! That's what you (well... `me`) get on friday evening when head is already boiling up!
ha ha ha
I did not catch-up so simple reverse logic. How shame on me, but, I guess, we all been there and that's why sometimes we need extra pair of eyes.

And, yes, from previous CI versions, I had a habbit to always provide `updated_at` in $allowedFields array. 
Removing it from that array, obviously works perfectly and forfills my needs.
That's why I love CI so much - you can twist and use mainframe logic in a different ways, if you need so.

Again, thanks for pointing to right direction.
And peaceful coding to everyone!


Messages In This Thread
RE: DataException: There is no data to update after using save() - by davis.lasis - 06-17-2024, 01:05 AM

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