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Support multiple databases for db:table


I'm mostly working over multiple databases so what I miss is the
command that support multiple connections. It works in application, in migrations but not over
spark db:table
. I guess it could be just optional argument that determine the configured connection.

I simply did 
PHP Code:
    * The Command's Usage
    * @var string
    protected $usage = <<<'EOL'
    db:extension [options]

        db:extension --db default

in custom command to my purposes but it could be system feature.
In case that nodoby (as I supose) wants to fill --db argument the default will be the value as I did in my purpose
PHP Code:
    * Actually execute a command.
    * @param array $params
    public function run(array $params)
        $dbGroup $params['db'] ?? 'default';

        $db = \Config\Database::connect($dbGroup);

Messages In This Thread
Support multiple databases for db:table - by marekmosna - 07-01-2023, 12:26 PM

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