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Add new option for make:model for specific table

Usually, after building the model, I have to add the names of the fields to $allowedFields.This is time-consuming for me.

I don't know exactly whether other developers have experienced this issue or not.

I suggest to add a new option to command php spark make:modelfor this issue.

Option -for takes the name of the table and adds the fields to $allowedFields
to generate the model.

I think this option helps a lot in saving the developer's time.

Data of Table "sms_sender":

| id | message_text | type | from | to | send_datetime | status | created_at | updated_at | deleted_at |

php spark make:model -for sms_sender

PHP Code:
    protected $DBGroup          'default';
    protected $table            'sms_sender';
    protected $primaryKey      'id';
    protected $useAutoIncrement true;
    protected $returnType      'array';
    protected $useSoftDeletes  true;
    protected $protectFields    true;
    protected $allowedFields    = [

Messages In This Thread
Add new option for make:model for specific table - by datamweb - 07-27-2023, 11:13 AM

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