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Creating a self updater

Hi guys,
How do you add self updating capabilities to your CI app? Most CMS and web apps notify users there is an update. Click on update and it will copy the files, etc.
Is this possible with CI? If not, how does one go about it?

Messages In This Thread
Creating a self updater - by jetspeed - 01-07-2024, 02:24 AM
RE: Creating a self updater - by InsiteFX - 01-07-2024, 10:32 PM
RE: Creating a self updater - by kilishan - 01-08-2024, 08:14 AM
RE: Creating a self updater - by jetspeed - 01-08-2024, 10:43 PM
RE: Creating a self updater - by jetspeed - 02-05-2024, 09:32 AM
RE: Creating a self updater - by JustJohnQ - 02-05-2024, 11:49 AM
RE: Creating a self updater - by jetspeed - 02-06-2024, 10:15 PM

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