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CI3 and PHP8.1

Hello, guys.
I need your help.
I encounter the following error by default: 

Quote:A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192 Message: ctype_digit(): Argument of type int will be interpreted as string in the future Filename: postgre/postgre_driver.php Line Number: 98

Is overriding the only way to solve this issue? I have attempted to override it, but the custom class in the "application/core" directory is not being loaded, and the error is not resolved. Is it possible for the custom class in the "core" directory not to be loaded?
Of course, I have correctly set  "$config['subclass_prefix']" in "config/config.php".

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
CI3 and PHP8.1 - by Chris Mar - 06-26-2024, 12:30 AM

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