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Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identities table in SHIELD CI4?


I have used SHIELD Auth for first time in CI4, and I created APIs to register or login the users.
It's working fine.

But I checked the "auth_identities" table and I got multiple rows for one user. I just want to know is it fine have multiple rows in auth_identities table for one user or is it any issue. Please check screenshot.


This is creating issue while fetching users list, I am getting multiple records for one user. I have joined users table with auth_identities table to get the user email.

If it's any issue, please help me how can fir this?

Messages In This Thread
Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identities table in SHIELD CI4? - by pratibha.cts - 08-04-2024, 11:59 PM

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