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Interaction between Wordpress and 2 seperate CI4 applications

I have a project on the go where I have to get Wordpress to interact to 2 CI4 applications. The basic process is:
User log in to Wordpress -> If the user has a valid subscription Wordpress then triggers a process that will create a session in both of the CI4 applications. User then clicks on link on their landing page to access either of the CI4 applications.
One of the CI4 applications we developed ourselves, the 2nd is a 3rd party application.
If anybody has done anything like this please let me know what tools and/or method you used to achieve the desired result.
Dirk B.
ESD Digital
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Interaction between Wordpress and 2 seperate CI4 applications - by abatrans - 11-02-2024, 04:26 AM

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