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Windows system support
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2024, 05:51 AM by ozornick.)

I would try to adapt all the tests for Windows 11 and a simple PHP 8 installation. It is possible to check for XAMPP after.
But I need feedback from Windows developers and users.
See https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni...2525260952
To begin with, I have highlighted the tasks for corrections:
1. Is it necessary to do this? I have some time for this.

2. How can we better define the global function

PHP Code:
function _realpath(string $path): string
    return str_replace('\\''/'realpath($path));

before calling Boot.php ? While I'm trying to register it in index.php, spark, system/Test/bootstrap.php. They are the first to set up paths

3. Another function

PHP Code:
function normalize_path(string $path): string
    return str_replace('\\''/'$path);

is located in system/Common.php. Works with a path-string.

4. Additionally, we no longer need DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR - all paths are given to Unix. Replace with "/". I consider DS useless as long as there are problems with Windows.

If everything works out, we will be able to guarantee work in XAMPP, laragon...

5. Replace all line breaks with "\n". The lines may have different endings if the file was saved in Windows and opened on Unix.
Windows CMD also needs to be rewritten to "\n". Otherwise, there will be errors in the tests

6. There are problems with chmod(), symlink(), vfs:// Should I skip them or issue warnings for phpunit?
7. Several tests can be deleted as they check the differences for Win/Unix.Or do they need to be marked somehow?
8. There are problems with SQLite3 if the database is in :memory:. It doesn't seem to reset when closed or deleted... The data remains in the tables between the tests

In general, there are practically no errors after my changes right now. But for future developments, we need to normalize paths everywhere. I don't know how you feel about this
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

Messages In This Thread
Windows system support - by ozornick - 12-10-2024, 05:03 AM
RE: Windows system support - by datamweb - 12-12-2024, 02:40 PM
RE: Windows system support - by InsiteFX - 12-13-2024, 09:19 PM

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