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Basecontroller load helpers / library depend on loggedin

Yes, in CodeIgniter 4, helpers essentially act like global functions once loaded,
meaning that after you load a specific helper file, the functions within it can be
accessed from anywhere in your application, including controllers and views,
just like a global function; you can call them directly without needing to
instantiate an object first.

Key points about CodeIgniter helpers:

Function collections:
Each helper file is a collection of related functions focused on a specific task,
like form creation, URL manipulation, or text formatting.

Loading required:
Unlike built-in functions, you need to explicitly load a helper file before using
its functions.

Access anywhere:
Once loaded, the helper functions become accessible throughout your application,
similar to global functions.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Messages In This Thread
RE: Basecontroller load helpers / library depend on loggedin - by InsiteFX - 01-04-2025, 11:17 PM

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