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Send Email on Aruba not working

i dont know but i use PHPMailer with my CI4 ; i like it because it works on local development on appache and live. I have to leverage its use using my own gmail account ; data from web form and rely it to the owner of the web .

I installed PHPMailer via composer. What i can tell you is that sometimes there is something the hosting has done or needs to do , so that it works live. So i told my hosting on one occasion hey its working fine local but not on your hosting. They came back yep we did this or that , try it now - and i found it worked.

in the contoller that processes data, pushes it through a spam check i have this bit :

                        catch ( \Exception  $e)
                                                echo "something went wrong";    
                                         $data = [
                                                    'title'  => 'info',
                                               'info'=>'something went wrong with sending message<br>  probably you have not entered credentials for lines 106 and 108 in Sendmail.php controller. <br><br>Hal says :  ' ,
                                            echo view('info2', $data);

on some occasions its come back " could not authenticate" which hinted to me i got creds wrong for password of email. So maybe you could factoe something like that .The code nicely gets an error and puts it out on a view
CMS CI4 A CMS system, runs out of the box written on top of CI4
Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

Messages In This Thread
Send Email on Aruba not working - by Littlesciu - 01-08-2025, 02:29 AM
RE: Send Email on Aruba not working - by captain-sensible - 01-08-2025, 07:14 AM

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