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CodeIgniter v4.5.0 Released!

@warcooft If you use Shield, use v4.4.8. It does not work with 4.5.0 yet.

Great work! Love to see the improved error logs.

This morning I did a composer update cause I saw you did some days ago the update for version 4.4.8. It went to 4.5. My webapp also uses the shield package. Problem is after since nothing worked I revert back to a previous commit. I'm using WAMP and even after I revert back my git to the update before it still doesn't work. Even commands like php spark don't work anymore. I have long lines of error messages. I'm sorry, I hope it's understandable what I'm writing. I'm in panic mode. I'm a student at a company and tomorrow I'll see the responsible for the project and it doesn't even run locally. The error message I get in the Firefox is this :
This "system/bootstrap.php" is no longer used. If you are seeing this error message, the upgrade is not complete. Please refer to the upgrade guide and complete the upgrade. See https://codeigniter4.github.io/userguide...e_450.html
I really don't know what to do.

@taco_greco Revert back to the commit that your app worked by git, and run "composer install"

(04-08-2024, 03:16 AM)kenjis Wrote: @taco_greco Revert back to the commit that your app worked by git, and run "composer install"

Thank you very much it worked, I think the fact that I really panicked didn't worked in my favor. And just to say I'm new to coding and I started to like it since I found CodeIgniter 4. I love the framework you're doing a really good job and I really want to improve so I can one day contribute.

SYSTEMPATH\Helpers\form_helper.php at line 65
58        }
60        $form = '<form action="' . $action . '"' . $attributes . ">\n";
62        // Add CSRF field if enabled, but leave it out for GET requests and requests to external websites
63        $before = service('filters')->getFilters()['before'];
65        if ((in_array('csrf', $before, true) || array_key_exists('csrf', $before)) && str_contains($action, base_url()) && ! stripos($form, 'method="get"')) {
66            $form .= csrf_field($csrfId ?? null);
67        }
69        foreach ($hidden as $name => $value) {
70            $form .= form_hidden($name, $value);
71        }

I am getting the above error because of the below php code, after update to codeigniter v4.5

PHP Code:
<?= form_open_multipart('', ['class' => 'form-submit-data''novalidate' => 'true',]); ?>

After i change the empty quotes (' ')  to ( current_url() ), it works normally as expected, why?

PHP Code:
<?= form_open_multipart(current_url(), ['class' => 'form-submit-data''novalidate' => 'true',]); ?>

@LP_bnss The bug was reported and fixed in `develop` branch.
Wait for the next patch release.

And the answer to your question is:
because you passed a URI string to form_open_multipart().
current_url() returns a string.
Passing empty string is a special case. Read the code of form_open().
current_url(true) returns a URI object.

@kenjis how can i install a previous ci 4.4.8 version cos. My current project am wokring on after i upgrade to 4.5 why login in account via Shield it trhrows database error and some validation error like getErrors.

I wanted to deliver a quick prject for a client now i need to install new ci project and sheild i end up installing the 4.4.8 but am getting error /system/bootsrap no longer use. Need 4.5 update please oh let me know how i can install a previous version and get to work.

@seunex Revert back to the commit that your app worked by git, and run "composer install".
This makes you go back to the state that your project worked.

Then set the CI version in your composer json:
"codeigniter4/framework": "4.4.8",

and run "composer update".
Thumbs Up 

(04-10-2024, 05:45 AM)kenjis Wrote: @LP_bnss The bug was reported and fixed in `develop` branch.
Wait for the next patch release.

And the answer to your question is:
because you passed a URI string to form_open_multipart().
current_url() returns a string.
Passing empty string is a special case. Read the code of form_open().
current_url(true) returns a URI object.

Yeah bro, waiting for new relesase?

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