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Formatting blog titles for easy url viewing

Hey all

I'm trying to format blog titles into strings that can be used in the url. I know I have to use preg_replace, but I've never used regular expressions really and what I'm trying to do is throwing errors.

I first want to strip all non essential characters like '.,?!' etc... and then replace spaces with a dash (-).

So far I have this:
preg_replace('{[ \t]+}', '-', preg_replace('.|?|!', '', $row['title']))
(I got the {[ \t]+} from the php documentation), but I'm stuck on the points and so. I think that's where the eror occurs: function.preg-replace: No ending delimiter '.' found

Nevermind, found out that the url helper has a function for this.

reduced the size because the problem was solved and no longer important... I always do that when I don't have the option of deleting my topics...

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