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Modular Extensions and enable_query_strings = TRUE doesnt work


I want to use modular extensions with enable_query_strings = TRUE.
Here is the example of link:


when I try to run this link with modular extensions enabled I receive this error:

Unable to load your default controller. Please make sure the controller specified in your Routes.php file is valid.

Controller is placed in: \application\modules\program\controllers\program.php

So there are several questions ... How can I tell HMVC the module name if I'm using query string ??

URL is : index.php?c=program&m=program_detail&id;=$1
c = program (controller)
m = program_detail (method)
??? module ??? -> how to specify it in query string ??

Please do not suggest me to use Search engine friendly links because query string is a must for me as the site is already running for more than 5 years and we cannot change our linking structure.

Thank you in advance.

You are not forced to use query_strings to specify controller and method, you can still use URL segments as normal and use query_stings for data only.

I have just tested query_strings with Modular Extensions and it works as it should. I suggest you look deeper into your configuration.

That work for me withouth any problem.

Just make query string work first and work with module after.

seem debugging have to be done.

good luck !

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