I want to use modular extensions with enable_query_strings = TRUE.
Here is the example of link:
when I try to run this link with modular extensions enabled I receive this error:
Unable to load your default controller. Please make sure the controller specified in your Routes.php file is valid.
Controller is placed in: \application\modules\program\controllers\program.php
So there are several questions ... How can I tell HMVC the module name if I'm using query string ??
URL is : index.php?c=program&m=program_detail&id;=$1
c = program (controller)
m = program_detail (method)
??? module ??? -> how to specify it in query string ??
Please do not suggest me to use Search engine friendly links because query string is a must for me as the site is already running for more than 5 years and we cannot change our linking structure.
Thank you in advance.