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getJSON in CI problem

[eluser]Mitja B.[/eluser]
anyone please?

[eluser]Mitja B.[/eluser]
i make this JS function

function spremeniVrednost()
    izb = $("#select1").val();

    $.post("http://localhost/btraker/admin/fetchjson/"+izb, { func: "getNameAndTime" },
        //alert(data.gdfgf); // John
        //console.log(data.gdfgf); //  2pm
    }, "json");


$drzava = '<select name="select1" id="select1">';
$drzava .= '<option value="">izberi</option>';

    foreach($submenu->result() as $cat):
        $id = $cat->Id;
        $ime = $cat->title;
        $drzava .= "<option value=$id>$ime</option>";
$drzava .= '</select>';

$mesto = '<select name="select2" id="select2">';
$mesto .= '<option value="">izberi</option>';
$mesto .= "</select>";

but select2 are not filled and is still empty.

what i am doing still worng?

[eluser]Mitja B.[/eluser]

If anyone has similar problem. you need jquerySelect.js and jquery.js library. jquery.js is not enough, you stil need jqueryselect.js

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