As D13 i'm asking myself if you are really planning on having different controllers for the two languages or if you just want to add the language to the url?
If you are planning to have different controllers a language subdirectory is a good idea and it's possible to do this? So i'm wondering what is the problem you have?
If you are planning to add the language to the url but use the same controllers you can use routing to 'hide' the language form been seen as a part of the filepath/controller/function url structure CI uses.
$route['\w{2}/(.+)'] = '$1';
This route checks if the first segment has 2 letters, a forward slash and at least one character behind the forward slash. So site.com/en/1 would be routed to a controller with the name 1.
There are some other solutions mentioned on the forum you can do a search for multi language site or something like that.
The lang->line method just gets the word/phrase with the key you add as the first parameter. Of course you need to load the language file where the key and word/phrase for the particular language is stored.