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Validation - Can someone explain this code?

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
Hello friends,

ive modified my code a little according to the validation tutorial series (7 screencasts) and now i have a question about a particular part in the code.

function setinfo ()


        $this->load->helper( 'form' );
        $this->load->helper( 'url' );
        $this->load->helper( 'language' );
        $form = array
            'fields' => array
                'name'                 => 'Name',
                'gender'             => 'Gender',
                'country_code'        => 'Country',
                'work'                 => 'Work',
                'birthday'             => 'Birthday',
                'city_living'         => 'City Living',
                'city_hometown'     => 'City Hometown'
            'rules' => array
                'name'        => 'required',
                'gender'    => 'required',
                'country'    => 'required'

            $this->validation->set_rules( $form['rules'] );
            $this->validation->set_fields( $form['fields'] );
            if ($this->validation->run() == FALSE)
                $data['theme_path']     = $this->theme_path;
                $data['theme_folder']    = $this->theme_folder;
                if ( $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == 'POST' )
                    $data['values'] = $_POST;
                    $user_info = $this->Model_user->User_GetUserInfo( $this->Model_user->Session_UserID() );
                    $data['values'] = $user_info;
                $this->load->view( $this->theme_folder . 'master-info_edit.php', $data );            

                $data['info-name']                = $this->input->post ('name');
                $data['info-city_living']        = $this->input->post ('city_living');
                $data['info-city_hometown']        = $this->input->post ('city_hometown');
                $data['country_code']            = $this->input->post ('country');
                $data['info-work']                = $this->input->post ('work');
                $data['info-birthday']            = $this->input->post ('birthday');
                $data['info-gender']            = $this->input->post ('gender');
                $user_id = $this->Model_user->Session_UserID();
                $info_result = $this->Model_user->User_SetUserInfo( $user_id, $data );
                redirect ( 'user/settings/success' );


and for the view part, when setting or better say, re populating forms,
we tend to use things like:
<?= form_input( 'name', $this->validation->name ) ?>

in this modified code i use:
<?= form_input( 'name', $values['name'] ) ?>

but as you may have noticed, i didnt use the first one in a fashion like
$this->validation->name to re-populate it.

So how come, this code actually works?

I would be more then happy if i can understand how this works.

Thanks in advance

xwero tells in some post there are three ways to call same thing

two way you already shown...

third..lemme search or xwero will help

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
would be cool Smile
besides, i looked at blogmer, looks very very promising,
cool man Smile


third one..


This is how they get assigned inside the validation library:
foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value )
    $this->$key = $value;

'$this->validation->name' is already assigned when you call it in your form.

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Smile

i see... thanks manilodisan

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