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XSS Filter Stripping "1" Off of the Ends

I'm not sure I understand this behavior. I'm using XSS filtering on a field that contains an account number entered by a user. I have no prior knowledge about this number -- it could even contain letters. I'm doing this before entering $account into the database:

$account = trim($this->input->post('account'), TRUE);

This works fine unless I try to enter something starting or ending with a "1". For example:

5678 gets 5678 (that's normal)
123456 gets 23456
861 gets 86
45111 gets 45
1112 gets 2
1111 gets an empty field

It's stripping out all "1" characters at the beginning and ending of the string. Is this a bug? Is there something I'm missing? Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
XSS Filter Stripping "1" Off of the Ends - by El Forum - 10-09-2008, 02:31 PM
XSS Filter Stripping "1" Off of the Ends - by El Forum - 10-09-2008, 02:57 PM
XSS Filter Stripping "1" Off of the Ends - by El Forum - 10-09-2008, 03:08 PM

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