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novice for variables questions

model is where you put your function scripts?

Model is where you fetch and process data, in this case you should use a model to read a file's contents and parse it to be passed to a controller.

Why not state what it is you're trying to do, we may be able to give better advice.


i would like to compare files in a directory.
there will be 2 directories, KE dir and QC dir.
in this directory there are files.
these files have the same filename.
so, all files in the directories will be in an array.
i will compare each file one by one and check if there is dissimilarities and
if there is, i will get that word and count it as major error or minor error depending
on the field.
its like comparing 2 files with errors, from KEY ENTRY DIR and QUALITY CONTROL DIR. checking errors.
im on my way to designate errors in Major and Minor

do you have any idea please.....
i want to integrate my program into codeigniter so that i know how to use it

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