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validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule

when i use $rules['checkbox'] = "isset" it doesn't seem to work
i suspect that the test passes because $_POST['checkbox'] = '' or something.

is there a function to check equality to a value..?

$_POST['checkbox'] == 'checked_value';

Messages In This Thread
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-12-2008, 02:48 PM
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-12-2008, 03:05 PM
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-12-2008, 03:44 PM
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-12-2008, 03:49 PM
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-13-2008, 12:01 AM
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-13-2008, 05:37 AM
validation of a checkbox using the "required" rule - by El Forum - 10-13-2008, 06:13 AM

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