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Header/Footer at Error Message


is it possible to display the error msg with header/footer ?

for example:


if(1 != 2) {
show_error('1 is not 2');


i want to display the message like:




I already tried to modify the "error_general.php", but only get error that $this is not a object in this context.

Thanks for help

Try this in your Controller

    $data['errMsg'] = show_error('1 === 2'); // default to prevent undefined error message
    if(1 != 2) {
      $data['errMsg'] = show_error('1 is not 2');

    $data['header' = $this->load->view('header', $data, TRUE); // see CI help on Loader Class
    $data['footer' = $this->load->view('footer', $data, TRUE); // see CI help on Loader Class

    $output = $this->load->view('header', $data, TRUE); // added $data
    echo $output;
Your view
     <title>Title goes here</title>
     <?= $header ?>

       &lt;?= $footer ?&gt;


it looks in any way ugly. isnt there any easier way to just include header/footer directly in the error_general.php ? should be always the same header/footer templates, only the error text changes

My apologies, I did not understand exactly what you were after so I will try again.
I am not sure how error_general.php but it does accept the $heading and $message variables.
To achieve your result then what you could try is:
&lt;?php include_once($path .'..\..\views\_header.php') ?&gt;
   &lt;?php echo $message; ?&gt;

  &lt;?php include_once(..\..\views\_footer.php') ?&gt;
You will have to play about with the paths to make sure they are correct.

if it would be so easy - i had no problem ;-)

the problem with your solution is: normally, i have defined one main_model at autoload, which offers the needed variables for the menu for example in the header/footer itself. but if i just include these files, there's still no class instance you know ?

I think what you are trying to do is far from straight forward and not easily available.
Similar problems have arisen in the past with the error_404.php output.
Try this thread : http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/81728/

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