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A Database Error

im inserting data in table it gives me following error
Quote:A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1048

Column 'id' cannot be null

where id is primary key when i comment var id from model it insert the data but key is always 0.

[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
Do you want to set that column to auto-increment?

ya id column is primary key and also auto increment but i dont know what and where is problem because first time im using CI and i want to carry on for my rest of projects. by reading the user manual its look nice.

[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
What does your insert code look like?

here is my model code

class FormModel extends Model {
        var $id;
        var $width;
        var $height;
        var $scalecontent;
        var $firstpage;
        var $alwaysopen;
        var $autoflip;
        var $fliponclick;
        var $staticshadow;
        var $dynamicshadow;
        var $movedspeed;
        var $closespeed;
        var $gotospeed;
        var $pageback;
        var $loadondemand;
        var $cachePage;
        var $cachesize;
        function FormModel(){
        function insert_entry(){

            $this->width = $this->input->post('width');
            $this->height = $this->input->post('height');
            $this->scalecontent = $this->input->post('scalecontent');
            $this->firstpage = $this->input->post('firstpage');
            $this->alwaysopen = $this->input->post('alwaysopen');
            $this->autoflip = $this->input->post('autoflip');
            $this->fliponclick = $this->input->post('fliponclick');
            $this->staticshadow = $this->input->post('staticshadow');
            $this->dynamicshadow = $this->input->post('dynamicshadow');
            $this->movedspeed = $this->input->post('movedspeed');
            $this->closespeed = $this->input->post('closespeed');
            $this->gotospeed = $this->input->post('gotospeed');
            $this->pageback = $this->input->post('pageback');
            $this->loadondemand = $this->input->post('loadondemand');
            $this->cachePage = $this->input->post('cachePage');
            $this->cachesize = $this->input->post('cachesize');

[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
And your id is set to autoincrement? Are you sure? Could you add
echo $this->db->last_query();
after an insert and see what comes up?

with this model when i want to insert the data it give me error Column ‘id’ cannot be null but when i comment the var id than it insert the data but id is 0 always.

[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
And your id is set to autoincrement? Are you sure? Could you add
echo $this->db->last_query();
after an insert and see what comes up?

I'll ask two questions, if you don't mind...
Can you run "DESCRIBE flipp_settings" and post the results? Are you using MySQL or other DB engine?

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